Would you like to win the little princess in your life a copy of Karen Kingsbury's delightful new hardback picture book, The Princess and the Three Knights? Well, thanks to the ever so generous Lindsey R. at Zonderkidz, I am pleased to announce that you can do so right here at Ready Set Read Reviews.
To enter you can do can do some or all of the following, but you must at least do the first. Your name will go in the hat one time for each entry that I receive from you. (Please note: Due to the cost of postal prices, I'm afraid I must limit this giveaway to those with US addresses only.) Also, please make sure to include you a way to contact you with each comment.
1. Check out my previous blog post containing my review for The Princess and the Three Knights, and leave me a comment there and then again on this post confirming your entry. (This is a must for entry. Without this step, all other entries will be null and void.)
2. Leave a post here telling me what your favorite traditional romantic fairy tale is. Extra entry if you tell me why.
3. Add my button and/or a link to Ready Set Read Reviews to your sidebar, then comment here with a link back to confirm your entry.
4. Blog about this giveaway, including a link to this post, and comment back with a link to your own post.
5. Twitter about this giveaway. Be sure to leave your Twitter id in your entry comment.
6. Stumble, Digg, etc this post at least once, and link back in your entry comment.
7. Become a Ready Set Read Reviews follower. There's a box on the right sidebar on the main page. For one entry, leave a comment saying you've done so. Or if you're already a follower, just let me know.
8. Sign up for e-mail updates from Ready Set Read Reviews. Leave the e-mail address ("name at gmail dot com" format is fine) you signed up with in your comment for one entry.
That's a minimum of 10 entry options; so get to it!
I'll leave this contest posted for 2wks. That'll bring me back around to pay day so I'll have the money to put the book in the post right away after doing a random draw from all entries to select a lucky winner.
GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO ENTER! It really is a great book, so don't let this opportunity pass you by. :)
My favorite fairy tale: I've always been partial to Cinderella. She worked tirelessly in the clutches of her stepfamily and deserved a night out on the town. The prince falling in love with her was just a lucky break.
My favorite one would be.... Snow White I think. The Disney version anyway, I love the dwarfs, plus the good overcoming evil.
My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. She is proof that one pair of shoes can change a girl's life!! :)
I commented on your review =D.
My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. It's a classic and I've loved it ever since I was a kid.
I became a follower.
CONGRATULATIONS, SARAH_ELIZABETH! You were the random winner selected by Raffle King. Thanks to everyone who entered. Sarah, I'll be contacting you shortly in order to obtain your mailing info.
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